Individual Retreat

When one is detached from all material things and Desires
The mind becomes purified

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 2.45

- YogPlan

A Sanctuary for the Dedicated Seeker

Are you looking for a place to stay and practice for a month or more at an affordable price?

The retreat center offers a space for deep meditation and practice, where the daily distractions of life can be set aside. Designed for old students and experienced practitioners, our “Long Stay Retreat” offers a unique opportunity to dive into the depths of your practice for a longer periods with an affordable price.

Discover Your Ideal Haven in the Himalayan Mountains for long-term Retreat and Solitary Practice.

Individual Retreat
  • Benefit from Dedicated Teacher Guidance at All Times
  • Relish the Comfort of Exceptional Accommodation
  • Engage in Group Yoga Practice Thrice Daily
  • Indulge in the Finest Quality of Sattvic Vegetarian Cuisine
  • Enjoy Relaxing Massages and Spa Amenities
  • Experience Customized Ayurvedic Consultations
  • Discover Budget-Friendly Options to Suit Your Needs
  • Receive Personalized Meditation Consultations and Practice Enhancement


Simple and comfortable, yet, with a reasonable price, our bamboo cottage room is a perfect choice that supports your journey.

Types of Accommodation

Single Room

Double Room

Bamboo Cottage Room

75 USD

120 USD

We have 20% off for the monthly stay.

Our Package Recommendation:

15 Day Stress Detox package

If you’re struggling to handle your stress levels, a 15-day Stress Detox package might be exactly what you need. Sometimes, a little time out to focus purely on your needs and be taken care of by others, combined with some traditional culture, healing therapies, and proper yoga techniques from skilled teachers, can provide you with a welcome escape.

  • 15 nights affordable accommodation
  • Daily Yoga classes
  • Freshly prepared Ayurvedic meals,
  • Ayurvedic massage& sauna sessions once a week
  • Guided Pranayama& meditations 3 times a week
  • 2 Ayurvedic consultations
  • Yoga consultations with a professional teacher