Viparita Virabhadrasana


Standing Asanas

Viparita Virabhadrasana

Reverse Warrior Pose


Meaning: viparita = reverse / virabhadra = warrior of Lord Shiva named Virabhadra

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Stand upright with a straight spine, relaxed shoulders, arms at your sides, feet together. Inhale, exhale, and relax.

Getting into position

Come into Virabhadrasana -II (Warrior- II pose)(right foot forward). Rest your left hand on your left thigh. Exhale. Inhaling, raise the right arm up towards the sky, palm facing backward. Exhaling, bend your torso and head toward your left leg and turn your head slightly upward and look up at the right palm. Do not twist the spine. Stay in the position for a few moments to allow your body to adjust. Keep the right knee bent, pressing into both feet with strong legs. Inhale. Exhaling, lower the hips down toward the floor (opening the pelvis), and relax the shoulders. Keep the shoulders and hips in-line with your feet. Hold for a few moments to allow the body to adjust. Inhale. Exhaling, bend farther. Hold with normal breathing for around 30 seconds.

Coming out of position

Slightly relax the body. Exhale. Inhaling, bring your torso and head back up to an upright position. Exhaling, straighten your right leg and lower the right arm down. Inhale, exhale, and relax. Repeat on the other side.


  • Keep both legs tensed; do not bend the straight leg.
  • Do not put weight on the palm resting on the rear leg, keep the raised arm strong and straight.
  • Without twisting your spine, open the chest upward and hips to the side, activating the glutes to keep the shoulders and hips in-line with the feet.
  • Do not overstrain the stretched side; distribute the strain over as much of the body as possible to avoid overstraining a particular area.
  • Do not jerk while bending into and out of position.



If you have chronic/serious shoulder, back, abdomen, or hip problems.

Be careful

If you have neck or knee issues, or get dizzy easily. People with chronic/serious neck problems should be extra careful when bending their neck (keep neck neutral) during this pose.



  • Opens hips and pelvis.
  • Stretches the side of the body (hips to arms) and inner thighs.
  • Strengthens arms, hamstrings and thighs.
  • Relieve stiffness in the shoulders and back. Improves lung capacity (by opening the muscles in between the ribs).



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