Adho Mukha Vriksasana
sahasara min - YogPlan

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Inversion Asanas

Adho Mukha Vriksasana

Downward Facing Tree Pose/Handstand


Meaning: adho = downward / mukha = face / vriksa = tree

Table of content

Pain Management:


Sit in Vajrasana. Come into tabletop position – palms on the floor with wrists under shoulders, knees together, feet together flat on the floor. Inhale, exhale, and relax.

Getting into position

Come into Parvatasana (Mountain Pose). Pay extra attention to your arms, ensuring that they are parallel with each other, with your shoulders pressing back and downward. Rotate your upper arms outward (to keep the shoulder blades broad). Spread your palms and press the index fingers (or several fingers) firmly against the floor. Bend one knee and step the foot in, and keep the other leg straight, extending through the heel. Make a few attempts before going all the way up (exhale deeply each time you try). Inhale. Exhaling, carefully bring your feet up (one followed by the other), and activate the abdominal muscles. Find your balance, arch your back slightly (lifting your head to balance), and activate your fingers, arms, shoulders, abdominal muscles, glutes, and legs. Do not overstrain your neck while looking forward. Hold with normal breathing for around 30 seconds.

Coming out of position

Slightly relax the body. Keep your arms and shoulders strong. Exhaling, lower the legs down (one foot at a time). Sit into Sashankasana (Moon Pose) for a few moments to relax the body; then, sit into Vajrasana. Inhale, exhale, and relax.

Note: For a counter posture, stand in Tadasana for a few moments.


  • Focus the eyes on a fixed point in front of you for balance.
  • If you lose balance, bend the knees, tuck your head, bend your elbows, and roll down forward on the floor as safely as possible; or try to fall back toward the starting position, under control.
  • To build confidence, practice against a wall, or with someone’s assistance.

Mental & Emotional Health:



If you have high blood pressure, migraines, chronic/serious wrist, elbow, shoulder, or heart problems .

Be careful

If you get dizzy easily or if you are menstruating.



  • Opens the chest.
  • Strengthens arms, shoulders, back, abdominal muscles, hips, and legs.
  • Improves balance and concentration.
  • Increases blood flow to the head and brain.
  • Relieves signs of aging in the face (through increased blood flow).
  • Improves headaches and mild depression.


Helps to reduce the incidence of mental disorders like Alzheimer’s and is regarded as a brain healer.


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