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Stand tall with your spine straight, shoulders relaxed, arms resting by your sides, and feet together. Take a deep breath in, exhale slowly, and ease into Ardha Chandrasana, maintaining balance and focus.
Getting into position
Method 1: Step the left foot back and turn it out to 90 degrees (parallel to the end of the mat), bend the right knee. Inhale. Exhaling, bend forward from the hips and place both hands on the floor before your right foot. Raise the left foot off the floor (stretching the leg backward behind you). Use arrows for balance. Inhaling, straighten your right leg completely, keep your spine straight, and straighten your left leg in-line with your torso. Look to your left side. Exhale. Inhaling, turn your torso to the left (opening your chest and hips); balance on your right foot and right hand. Keeping your left arm close to the chest, slide it up your right arm, through the chest, and reach your left hand to the sky. Look up at your left hand. Hold with normal breath for around 30 seconds.
Method 2: Face the side of your mat and separate your feet (one at a time) two shoulder widths apart. Turn your right foot toward the front of your carpet. Bend your right knee about 90 degrees. Reach forward and place your right hand in front of the right foot. Inhaling, slide your left arm up your right arm and chest into the air in-line with your left arm. Shift your body weight to your right leg. Inhaling, lift your left leg off the floor, keeping your left leg straight (bend slightly if needed) and in line with your torso. Push the torso up and straighten your right leg using the right hand. Open your chest and look up at your hand. Hold with normal breath for around 30 seconds.
Coming out of position
Slightly relax the body. Inhale. Exhaling, bend the right leg slightly and lower the left leg to the floor. Slowly bring both hands back to the floor, and turn the torso and hips slightly to face the floor. Place your right hand on your right knee for support. Gently, come up to a standing position. Inhale, exhale and relax. Repeat on the other side.