Padma Mayurasana

Padma Mayurasana

Lotus Peacock Pose


Meaning: padma = lotus / mayura = peacock


Sit in Dandasana (Staff Pose) - spine straight and upright, hands at your sides, legs extended forward, feet together. Inhale, exhale, and relax.

Getting into position

Come into Padmasana (Lotus Pose). Using your hands, come up onto your knees. Place palms on the floor facing backward (or forward if needed) using same method as Mayurasana (Peacock Pose). Balance your weight onto your arms (elbows on navel, balancing on hands) and carefully lift your head and knees up so that your torso and crossed legs are parallel to the floor. Hold with normal breathing for as long as comfortable.

Coming out of position

Slightly relax the body. Carefully lower your knees to the floor. Leaning backward, take your weight off your hands, and come back into Padmasana. Uncross the legs one at a time. Inhale, exhale, and relax.


  • Beginners shoud be extra careful not to fall forward while lifting knees off the floor.
  • Lean the body forward and keep chest lifted for balance.
  • Activate your arm, core, glute, and thigh muscles to balance.



If you have migraines, high blood pressure, herniated (slipped) disc, or chronic/serious hip or knee problems .

Be careful

If you get dizzy easily or have wrist, shoulder, low back, knee, hip, or ankle issues.



  • Opens the hips and pelvis.
  • Strengthens hands, arms, shoulders, neck, back, chest, abdomen, glutes, and outer thighs.
  • Increases blood flow to head and brain.
  • Stimulates abdominal organs and digestive system.
  • Improves balance, mind-body coordination, and concentration.


Helpful for diabetes, pancreas health, and enlarged spleen.


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