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Stand upright with a straight spine, relaxed shoulders, arms at your sides, and feet together. Inhale, exhale, and relax as you prepare for Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose).
Getting into position
Inhale. Exhaling, step your feet (one at a time) out to the side about two shoulder widths apart. Turn both feet outward 45 degrees (adjust appropriately). Activate your glutes and open your hips. Raise your arms out to the side (slightly in front of you), bend the elbows at shoulder height with palms facing each other. Inhale. Exhaling, lower your hips down, keeping the spine straight. Tuck the tailbone, in order to open the pelvis and press the hips forward. Press the knees outward slightly and bend the knees over the ankles. Lower the shoulders down and back, opening the chest. Keep arms tense (as if you were holding a big ball over your head). Keep your head up (neck neutral) and look straight ahead. Hold for a few moments to allow the body to adjust. Inhale. Exhaling, lower farther. Hold with normal breathing for around 30 seconds.
Coming out of position
Slightly relax the body. Exhale. Inhaling, straighten the legs, raising the arms above your head. Exhaling, lower the arms to the sides. Step back into starting position. Inhale, exhale, and relax.