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Stand upright with legs together, relaxed shoulders, arms at your sides. Inhale, exhale, and relax.
Getting into position
Shift your weight to the left leg. Bend the right leg from the knee, lifting your heel towards your buttocks. Reach your right hand back and grab the outside of the right foot near the toes. Move your hand around the foot and grab the big toe with your thumb and index finger (thumb on outside of big toe, index finger between the big and first toe, and the palm of your hand facing up and/or forward). Exhale. Inhaling, arch you back farther, activating your right glute and hamstring muscles, and lift the right foot upward as high as comfortable (turning your right elbow first out to the side, then pointing it up). Hold for a few moments to allow the body to adjust. Inhale. Exhaling, arch and bring the foot higher up. Reach your left arm above and behind you, and grab the right foot (both hands holding the foot now). Hold for a few moments to allow the body to adjust. Inhale. Exhaling, arch farther, pulling the foot upward with your arms. Hold with normal breathing for as long as comfortable.
Coming out of position
Slightly relax the body. Inhale. Exhaling, carefully release the hands one at a time for balance (left hand first) and carefully allow the rear leg to come down to the floor under control (without jerking). Stand back into the starting position. Inhale, exhale, and relax. Repeat on the other side.