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Lie on your back, body relaxed, legs together, palms on the floor. Inhale, exhale, and relax.
Getting into position
Come into Matshyasana (Fish Pose), with straight legs. Bring your hands above your abdomen (palms together or separated, arms straight). Exhale. Inhaling, raise your legs up to about 45 degrees, keeping them straight, and bring arms parallel to the legs. Balance on your buttocks and head (avoid overstraining the neck). Hold for a few moments to allow the body to adjust. Inhale. Exhaling, strengthen arms, legs, and back farther. Hold with normal breathing for as long as comfortable.
Coming out of position
Slightly relax the body. Inhale. Exhaling, slowly lower the legs, then arms, to the floor. Using the elbows for support, lift your head and straighten the neck. Lower the back, returning to starting position. Inhale, exhale, and relax.